meet amy
Amy Geib
Partner and Founder of Always Never Done. Art school drop out, ex x-ray tech turned blogger and shop owner. Mom, wife and music lover. I have a hard time sitting still so you will most likely see me buzzing around the shop like a mad woman or working on 3 things at once. I tend to talk with my hands a lot. And…don’t give me a wine glass. I’ll break it. Not on purpose. I love what I do! Thanks for allowing me to able to live me dream.
Expertise: Custom Painting, Kitchen Cabinet Painting, Faux painting, Interior Design and making fun of myself!
meet lisa
Lisa Hofmann
Partner. I grew up in Lancaster and love living here with my husband and 3 kids. If you’re in the shop and the music is too loud, it’s probably my fault. You’d be hard pressed to find an air mic I’ve said no to it there’s a good tune on. I have a knack for remembering words to songs…like every word.
I am inspired everyday by the incredible women I work with and I’m lucky to be part of this journey. Our Always Never Done community is amazing and I’m so excited for what the next chapter holds.
Expertise: Custom Painting, Cabinet Painting, Math is my Jam!!!
Hola! I'm Ursula... the newbie here with the AND Ladypack and lovin’ it! I am so excited to join this creative crew and expand upon the Design Services one client at a time. I have a mixed background in H.R., experience in corporate, commercial and residential interior design and retail management for the past 5.5 yrs in sales, design and operations!
My beautiful family includes 2 lils that love rockin out to music at home together and I can generally turn most conversations into a music line quote! Lisa and I might have a fun thing going with her air mic.
A common thread in my career aside from problem solving has been working with people so stop in and grab a coffee, (because aren't we all coffee addicts?) and lets chat!
Expertise: Interior Design, People Person.